SSHepherd Documentation
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Managing Hosts


Hosts are the servers that you want to protect with SSHepherd®.  When you install and register the Agent on a server, it will automatically appear in the Host section of the Administrator Console.

Add Host

Hosts can only be added to the system by performing the following actions:

  1. Install the SSHepherd® Agent on the target system
  2. Execute the shepagent –register command on that system
  3. When prompted, enter your Administrator username and password to register the new Host

shepagent --url https://your.sshepherd.server register

Remove Host

Simply uninstalling the SSHepherd® Agent from a system will not remove it from the system completely. Upon uninstall, the configuration files for that particular SSHepherd® Agent are retained on that system in case of a re-installation and subsequent registration. This way all of the current relationships are maintained.

To remove a host from the system completely, perform the following:

  1. Uninstall the SSHepherd® Agent software from the target system
  2. Execute the following shepctl command where HOSTID is the host id of the system:

shepctl --hostid HOSTID remove-host

Note – you can also skip step 2 above, and perform the following in the Administrator Console instead:

  1. Click on the Hosts tab
  2. Select the host in the list
  3. Click the trashcan icon at the top of the list
  4. Confirm by clicking on the YES button

Agent Configuration

  • Logging Level – this allows you to set the logging level for the host (agent service must be restarted for this setting to apply)
  • Allowed Ports – this allows you to add whitelisted ports to your agent.conf file (agent service must be restarted for this setting to apply)
  • Enable Recording – this will disable recording all sessions for the host
  • Remote Desktop Settings (only available on Windows hosts)
    • Screen recording resolution
    • Screen recording FPS
    • Screen recording bitrate
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