SSHepherd Documentation
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Upgrading SSHepherd® C3 Server


This article will explain how to control your SSHepherd® C3 Server upgrades, or allow your system to stay up to date automatically.

Automatic Upgrades

Using the default sshepherd.yaml file, your C3 server will be configured to run as “latest”. So as changes occur, your system will upgrade itself. You are all set!

Manually Controlling Upgrades

If you want to control the upgrades yourself, you’ll need to perform the following before installing:

sed -i "s/:latest/:1.5/g" sshepherd.yaml

This will force the install to set the version for both nginx-rtmp and the WebUI/REST API to version 1.5. Then when you are ready to update, you can simply run whatever new patches need to be applied along with changing 1.5 to the next version in the sshepherd.yaml file and reapply it.

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