Universal Policy

Centralized Policy Management & Enforcement for the Hybrid Enterprise

Delegate. Analyze. Deploy.


Import your GPOs into the central repository using an intuitive, web-based console

100% native support of your existing GPOs

Manage policies across trusted and untrusted domains and forests

Policy Conflict Analysis allows you to catch policy problems before they reach production

Comprehensive Reports to help streamline your Audit and Compliance requirements

Granular Delegation and Change Management workflows reduce the risk of human error

Why Universal Policy?

Universal Policy delivers an offline repository for the creation, update, approval and deployment of Group Policy Objects

Remove Unnecessary Risk

With delegated roles and defined workflows, no single person can create, edit, and deploy a policy, removing the 'key person risk'.

Analyze Policy Impact Before Deployment

The offline repository allows you to manage and test the universal policies without impacting the production environment.

Single Pane of Glass

Administer policies across your entire enterprise using the intuitive web console. Manage multiple domains, trusted or untrusted, on-premise, cloud, or hybrid through a single pane of glass.

Prove the Who, What, When

Central repository for reporting and audit compliance across all of your trusted and untrusted domains and forests.

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